You can access the Rename layers modal a number of. How to rename files sequentially 1) Select the files you want to rename with sequential numbers 2) Select Actions > Rename. Ensure the PowerRename feature is set to On (it should be by default). The Rename layers function will allow you to quickly rename multiple layers at once.If you don't see the welcome window, open PowerToys from your Start menu and then choose PowerRename from the sidebar on the left. It will always add numbers in brackets to the file name you specify. Choose PowerRename from the side menu and then click Open Settings. You cant add any modifiers to the renaming convention that Windows comes with.A "Welcome to PowerToys" window should automatically open once it finishes installing. First, enter the criteria that will determine what gets renamed.

Then right-click the files and select PowerRename from the menu that appears.
Download the latest PowerToys installer from GitHub (you'll need to scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the setup file) and install the program. First, locate the files that you want to rename in File Explorer or on the desktop and select them.First off, you'll need to install PowerToys and make sure PowerRename is running: It's a bit more convoluted, but it may be worth it to get the results you want.

If you have to rename a long list of files. Delete lines to remove files from the directory, or edit filenames to rename files. The problem is when you have to rename many files in a specific folder. These numbers are how vidir keeps track of what items are changed. The modern iteration of PowerToys (the original PowerToys was designed for Windows 95 and then XP) comes with a tool called PowerRename, which you can use to batch rename your files on Windows 11 using a series of conditions to get the exact format you want. PowerShell PowerToys On Windows 10, changing the name of one file is easy. If you want a bit more options for how your files are renamed, then a great option is to use Microsoft's own PowerToys software.